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HomeEducate - LAB Ride Smart

League of American Bicyclists, LAB - Ride Smart

League of American Bicyclists bicycle education


Teaching People on Bikes to Ride Safely

Education has been a core activity of the League’s since the late 1970’s when John Forester created the Effective Cycling program. The League ran the program for more than 20 years, before evolving the education program into today’s Smart Cycling program – following basically the same principles – with a significant growth in the number of instructors.




Evolution of the LAB program

The program was known for many years simply as BikeEd, and the nomenclature for classes was Road I, Road II, Kids I, Kids II etc.; names that you may still hear in use today. Virtually every state and local bicycling education program can trace its roots directly back to the League’s program, so even though the names may be different, the core content of what’s being taught around the country has been quite consistent over the years.


Follow this link to view the full list of online, print, and video items available from the League, or select from the links below to go straight your area of interest. 

On-line Traffic Skills 101 course

The City of Houston partnered with the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) in the development of an online course to represent the classroom portion of the League's Traffic Skills 101 course. The BikeEd program is designed to develop the craft and science of bicycling, the ability to use a bicycle with confidence and competence for pleasure, utility and sport under various roadway, climate and traffic conditions.

The course is free and well worth the effort ... just click the link below.

Go to the course website (

League videos and web pages


Enjoy The Ride - Essential Bicycling Skills (video)

This 22-minute video covers the following topics:
pre-ride checklist, bicycle handling skills, riding in traffic, identifying & avoiding hazards, and riding in all conditions.

This is a great introduction or refresher for any cyclist.




Smart Cycling Tips

These tip sheets will help you learn more about how to ride safely and perform maintenance on your bike. 




Rules of the Road

These rules will prepare you for a safe and fun bike commute no matter where you are riding.





Are you interested in riding, but could use a little more information to help boost your confidence? Our education videos are a great place to start!




Find a Class

Smart Cycling classes will not only give you confidence to ride, but connect you with other bicyclists and advocates in your area.




Become an Instructor

Smart Cycling classes will not only give you confidence to ride, but connect you with other bicyclists and advocates in your area.


League printed resources

Smart Cycling Quick Guide

It's an easy-to-read booklet that outlines the basic rules of the road, components of a bicycle, and all of the information you need to ride a bike safely and confidently. Preview the Quick Guide by clicking on it at right or on the link below; purchase Quick Guides at the League Store

View a Sample of the Guide at

The Smart Cycling Quick Guide is now available as an ebook on Amazon. See Quick Guide on Amazon ... (also available in Spanish

Smart Cycling Manual

The League combined older Traffic Skills 101, Traffic Skills 201, Group Riding and Commuting curricula into this single document -- eliminating duplication and ensuring greater consistency.  There are basic, intermediate and advanced building blocks for the content, and also improved graphics and photos.

View a Sample of the Manual at

You can purchase copies of the Smart Cycling Manual at the League Store.

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