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HomeRide - Self-supported Touring

 TBC Touring Group

The Tulsa Bicycle Club Touring Group is a fun-loving group of people who tour self-contained on a varied array of bicycles. 

The group hosts weekend overnight tours almost every month and often has a multi-day tour in the fall.  Riders have extra equipment to loan to those new to self-contained touring or wishing to give it a try before spending a boodle on equipment.

The only requirement for participation is that you be a Tulsa Bicycle Club Member.

Join us as we travel totally self-contained ... it's a great experience.

For more information, contact the Touring Group Coordinator .

TourTBC email group (forum) - The Touring Group has an email group/forum where they exchange information about coming rides and more.  You can join this email/forum group by going to the your Club Forums Profile Page, selecting the Touring Group forum, and clicking on the green "join" button (  ).  If you have difficulty joining the group, email the Club's webmaster and they will get you set up to receive emails from the Touring Group forum.

In addition to the forum for email communications, the self-supported folks have a private TBC Touring Group Facebook Group.  You can find that group here and, if you're a TBC member you can ask to join the group.

Need some motivation or instruction?  Here's a sample of items available on the internet to assist you in learning more about self-supported touring and planning your own adventure.

As you might imagine, this is one of hundreds of YouTube videos on bicycle touring ... but it's a pretty good introduction.  Need more info, just use your favorite search engine and search for "bicycle touring."


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Tulsa Bicycle Club: 1622 E 45th St, Tulsa, OK 74105-4118 ...  Contact Us